
Rarity returns home at a strange and disjointed time in her life, hot off the heels of a divorce and the crumbling of her once carefully plotted (and carefully conventional) life path. It's an ideal time to reconnect with Twilight Sparkle, the woman who was, and is, and maybe will be the most important person in her life.

Special Thanks to Monochromatic for her invaluable help and collaboration along the way. Cover art by Maxiima

Chapters (3)

Luna's return and Twilight's ascension to rulership of Equestria helped usher in an age of scientific and magical innovation. She and her slow-aging and long-lived friends lived through tumultous times of discovery and progress, and now Equestria is beginning its first true forays into deep space.

But someone has to be out there, representing Twilight and speaking on her behalf. She can't go herself--FTL travel is still primitive and time consuming. She needs someone out there trekking the stars, keeping up with the growing network of colonies. Someone with diplomatic chops, a vivid imagination, impeccable manners, and a lot of charisma. Rarity is eager to help her wife out in a once in a lifetime opportunity to see the worlds, literally.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to General Amnesty

Lightning Dust wasn't expecting to survive to see the armistice, and that was a year ago. Fiddlesticks knew they'd both survive to see peace and finally settle down. But things don't go back to normal all at once. Sometimes you have to keep re-fighting the past.

Chapters (1)

The Principality of Equestria is no more. Two sisters, alike in power and glory, lead armies beyond the scope and power of of later ages to understand against each other after the former Princess Luna's failed assassination and subsequent successful flight. In the contested badlands of the south, a Solarian medic goes quietly mad.

Commissioned by Latrans

Chapters (1)

When Rarity shares that she's been working on a project both professional and personal, Twilight tries to get herself involved.

Chapters (1)

In a dark, cold place bored into the core of Mount Canterhorn, a God is being born. Twilight Sparkle, the Solarian Union's most gifted mind, is overseeing its birth. When the Tower is complete, it will unite the Union and the world, overseeing infastructure, communication, automation of every kind. It is the ultimate marriage of science and magic, and the great work which will usher in a new age.

Twilight watches her creation taking shape in the void, and loses herself in its terrifying mystery. The God they are bringing into Being is not the mere machine they set out to build.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Five Colors

Twilight's quest to introduce the pony world to the human game Magic: The Gathering is going slower than she'd like, but at least Rarity is up for a game. Unfortunately, she has also transplanted human arguments about Magic: The Gathering.

A Commission for SigmaSonicX.

Chapters (1)

Rarity disappeared years ago. Rainbow never got the full story. No one wanted to talk about it. Painful memories, bits and pieces of half-remembered interactions, none of it told her anything. So she started looking on her own, and at long last, she found Rarity.

On a different continent, under a different name, with a different life.

Rainbow would like to know why.

Chapters (1)

There's a tension in Twilight and Rarity's relationship, one that they've danced around and only now are brave enough to address head on.

Written for the Pride and Positivity event! Sorry I'm late.

Consider giving something to those who need it most.

Chapters (4)

After Sunset Shimmer's magic goes lethal against her will, she is placed in isolation. It isn't going well.

Written for Secret Moon's Isolation contest, found here: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/214867/secret-moons-self-isolation-writing-contest

Chapters (1)