• Member Since 15th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Hello!So people have bugged me about a FimFiction account for a while now and I've finally decided to get one. Anyways, I suck at these bio things so... yeah.


Upcoming Chapters: Pale Land and Behind Closed Doors · 9:00am Dec 2nd, 2013

For those of you who are wondering, I am on holiday and so now I actually have time to write. Chapter 19 is done awaiting to be preread, the next chapter of Doors is also done awaiting editting (Doom, stop procrastinating) and with any luck, one of them will be out by the end of this week. I've already started on The Pale Land Chapter 20 and y1 and I have gotten back into the swing of things for Behind Closed Doors as well. With a bit of luck, I can get back into the swing of weekly updates

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Comments ( 84 )
  • Viewing 80 - 84 of 84

Great job on your The Pale Land story... working on a similar type of story, but it follows the main 6 when they are young.

I... can't even remember what I was going to write for that now. So probably not. Sorry

Are you still maybe considering a one-shot follow-up of Breaking Twilight, the 'happy ending'? Cuz I'd still love to see where you'd take that.

Got to thinking of your story "The Pale Land" and decided to see if it was on Fim.net and I'm happy to say I found it. :twilightsmile: Looking forward to more!

Parents sure can be stressful. Especially if they're completely bat-wing insane!
Still, I'm glad we had this little talk. It was... interesting.

Thank you very much for the favourite and the support of this silly story, and I hope we can have a few more talks in the future.


- KR

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