• Member Since 8th May, 2012
  • offline last seen May 20th, 2013


Waiting List for Author Support RP Ponysona Pictures

PM me specifications for your ponysona if you want one done for you. No, I will not do it for you if you are not participating in the Author Support RP Celebration. Don't ask otherwise.


First: Bronymaster
Dawnlight and Trixie
Status: Complete
Dusk Shadow and Dawnlight
Status: Not yet started

Second: Hivemind
Status: Not yet started

Third: Warpony
Pink Fade and Aura Sight
Status: Not yet started

Fourth: DJDemitri
Sickle Steel
Status: Not yet started

Fifth: Raryn
Professor Atom Smash and Pinkie Pie
Status: Not yet started

Sixth: ShadowFax
Thunder Blaze and Rainbow Dash
Status: Not yet started

Seventh: Tricondon
Tricondon and Twilight
Status: Not yet started

Eighth: dark ganymede
Status: Not yet started

Ninth: useurname123
(still need details)
Status: Not yet started

Tenth: Sunnydaze
Rainbow Shine and Sunny
Status: Not yet started

Eleventh: Yokal
Creamy Brew and ???
Status: Not yet started

Twelfth: Monotone
Status: Not yet started

I'll add more slots as needed. Also, I'll update this as I go along, so what you see here is guaranteed to be correct.

Rules and Status for Editing/Prereading


EDITING - Requests closed

PREREADING - Requests closed


Random Filler to Prove I'm not Dead · 6:27pm Oct 2nd, 2012

Well, it's been a while, FIMFiction. This is largely due to the fact that my senior year has put me over the table in a suddenly realistic sense of the phrase. School, soccer, and band are quite a combination. I've had to quit every other responsibility I have here recently due to how busy these three activities make me. Luckily, a few issues worked themselves out (read: stories I was editing just stopped updating), so I've managed to knock my workload down quite a bit. However, that still

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Report NinjaBrony43009 · 478 views ·

Latest Stories

Stuff I'm Working On

Writing Stuff
Withered Roses - ON HIATUS
Chapter 1: Being edited
Chapter 2: 10%

Chasing After a Silver Lining
Progress: 10%

The Lessons We've Learned
Progress: 5%

And All Was Silent
Progress: 50%

Letters to Eris - ON HIATUS
Chapter 1: 100%
Chapter 2: 10%

Her Darker Side (Based on the song by Aviators)
Chapter 1: 1%

Editing Stuff
Soarin' and the Blue Hour
Chapter 1: Complete
Chapter 2: 50% (incomplete)

Comments ( 17 )
  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17

Hey there! Thanks for the Fave of The Talk! You know I appreciate it!:twilightsmile:

Dear Celestia, a real critique! Finally! Thank you so much, I'll read it later when I have more time.

I just uploaded a comment with some critique! Let me know if you need anything else. (Warning: I'm VERY honest with my critique, so it might come off as harsh, but I'm just trying to help you out, OK?) :raritywink:

Sure! Why not. Give me a link and I'll start editing! I can also give critique on that story as a comment if you want as well. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17
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