• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen 54 minutes ago


Some dork on the internet that likes ponies and flower symbolism way too much.

I swear I'm gonna write a story based on this

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Ficlet: "The Kid In Room 8-C" (also proof that Patch is still alive) · 10:20pm May 14th, 2024

The twins approach with an easy, casual confidence. Bold enough to entice curiosity, friendly enough to ease the most suspicious and paranoid of ponies.

"Pardon us, young filly," the brother with the mustache begins, "but we couldn't help but notice you out here and we couldn't help wondering--"

"--are you lost?" the clean-shaven brother finishes.

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Comments ( 127 )
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My appreciation for noticing the start I made on a fic so long ago.

Oh, sorry to come back, but I forgot onenof my more important points.

It's almost like a combination of LOTR/The Hobbit and Alice in Wonderland, though of course in actuality far from either of those.

I got around to watching the Rankin/Bass The Last Unicorn movie, and I must say, you truly did that story justice.

You brought over the characters of Shmendrick and Molly Grue as Starswirl and Lyra almost too well.

And honestly, I thought you did the romance better. While I must admit to not having read the book, it felt a bit rushed in the movie, as did some other plot elements.

All in all, both your fic and that movie will not be escaping my memory anytime soon.

PatchworkPoltergeist, author of Menace to Propriety and Diminishing Returns, thinks that my story, Mayor, gives Tiara depth?

Iʼm honored. Truly.

Thank you ever so much for your interest in my story, Mayor and putting it in your shelf.

This song makes me think you should do a Diamond Tiara story set ten years after "Menace to Propriety:"

All I ever prayed for, every day
Was to resent my mother in a regular way!

(Alternately, Luster Dawn finally accepts her sociopathic cult-leading mom for who she is)

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