• Member Since 17th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 13th, 2023

Starman Ghost


Looking Back: The Conversion Bureau · 6:31am Mar 6th, 2021

Until the other day, I hadn't thought about The Conversion Bureau in years. Hell, I'd barely thought about this site in years. I think that's exactly what makes now a good time to look back at it: any emotions I had about it have had a long time to cool, and so I can examine it with a critical eye and the benefit of hindsight. I'm going to avoid mentioning the names of specific works or authors, because I'd rather not anyone's comments sections get raided.

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Hey, random question, but have you ever found any good MLP:FiM + EarthBound/MOTHER crossover fanfics? I'm a little disappointed that I haven't. I feel like there's some untapped story potential there, but it may be too late for anyone to actualize.

Follow-up question: Have you ever played MOTHER CogDis, and if so, did you like it?

Thank you!

A friend did it for me. Shared that and the short stories through blogs here for feedback.

Neat! That avatar's cute

I call it HeartWood, it's like if you crossed Avatar with Zootopia, lol

The two kids you see on my pfp are a few of the main players, Kyle & Lucy. So far, I just did short stories to build up the world. I wanted it to include creatures real, mythological, or made-up with a different twist to it.

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