The Pleasant Commentator and Review Group! 1,290 members · 149 stories

Welcome to The Pleasant Commentator and Review Group!

Art work by: The Dark Knight

~Mr. Flare

This group is designed to read and create commentaries and reviews for submitted stories.

Rules are located in this thread! Please read this before you click the Join button. Clicking the Join button signifies that you have read the rules and understand them. You can also find other Tools in this thread!

Complaints and Inquiries

If at any time you have questions regarding the group and its functionality, or if you feel you were wronged in one way or another by another member, the staff, or so on, please contact FamousLastWords via PM.

Number of Reviews to Date!


List of Reviewers and Staff

Group under reorganization: Please stand by.

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Comments ( 365 )
  • Viewing 346 - 365 of 365



Years ago.
We are starting up a new program, so submissions will open up soon. We will announce when they open, and they will be open for two days.

When was the last time folders were open for submissions?

Hello. I would like my story reviewed. It is a crossover, would that be ok?

I would like to have my story reviewed if that’s not too much trouble.

No rush really. I just want some ideas on what I’m doing right/wrong

Here’s the link

Also, my newest story has had a surge of popularity, and I can't fathom why. Would you mind reviewing it as well? Link is below.


Hmm.... I do have a story for you to review, however, I cannot seem to post it. So I suppose I'll put the link here, for lack of any other ideas.

Can you please review my story. Just ignore the comments and the rates. I just wanted more attention.

To whom it may concern. Recently, I've changed jobs. this job will be able to allow me access to this site while at work during my breaks. In addition, I should have more time to log on and read and review. Here are a few of my goals.
1. Clean up our head page. Lot's of broken links.
2. Get out two reviews by the 26th.
3. Get in touch with all of our active staff.

Please reach out to me by PM if you have any questions.

Hi I would love to have some reviews on my story as I like to see where to improve or where to go next to it. thanks.

Could somepony please read and review my story? I have no comments other than my own, and an equal amount of likes and dislikes. It's called "Tales from the Equestrian Others-the Fallen Angel of Ponyville". It hasn't been completed yet, and it's actually the first installment of a series following my OCs and their lives working for Princess Luna.
Nopony will give me the time of day.

So... should a story be complete to be submitted? Or are incompletes okay?

My old home... How I missed it here.

I was just about to ask how dead this group was; I've been gone for about a year or so, checking my notifications periodically, so I am so behind on what's gone on here (on the site in general) in that time. Glad to see this group is active still. Is it appropriate to feel nostalgia for it, the fact that this group I joined and submitted to in my first (second?) year of Fimfiction is still around? :fluttershysad:

I'm getting old and sentimental, ignore me :rainbowlaugh:

415135 Cromegas is a very eager person. He's the only thing keeping this group properly motivated. He was the one who suggested each admin separate into teams so there would be more motivation and less strain to review fics.

Where is the story claiming thread? I'm doing a review as a member for Team Heavy to see if I got The Right Stuff.

This is a great thing you're doing here by the way. Whilst many other groups like this died, it's very nice to see you're still rather active.

New here, whens the next submission?

So if the two fanfics there are reviewed the submissions will be open again?

  • Viewing 346 - 365 of 365