• Member Since 21st Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen June 14th


[aka FlutterWitch, aka MidnightChaos, aka The Witching Hour]

Comments ( 294 )
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Comment posted by Penanka72 deleted June 14th

It's literally just russian for no, dude. Furthermore, none of that was put forth in an insulting tone, I was clarifying why I wouldn't work on it. I would also like to tell you that neither ADHD nor autism are excuses for a misunderstanding in this case, rather the misunderstanding comes from the fact this is text and tone is difficult to convey.

alright alright a bit rude tho all you had to say is it meant no I would understand and when I was asking what nyet meant its because I needed to clarify Okay I have never heard the word ever being used I also have A.D.H.D and autism making it hard to understand and often I need to clarify
with things.

  • Viewing 290 - 294 of 294
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