• Member Since 18th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 8th, 2024


I'm buried up to my neck in horsewords.

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The Grand(ish) Sorta-Return · 9:25am May 29th, 2018

I want to start this blog post by thanking all my readers for the overwhelming support over the most recent chapter of Sprockets in the North. Thank you for sticking around during my long absence from publishing, and thank you for reading my work.

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Comments ( 128 )
  • Viewing 124 - 128 of 128

Hopefully you are doing well.

Don't worry about it, bro. Real life gets us all in the end. Hell, I've only published a single chapter of one story in the entire six or so years I've been on this site, so you're doing better than I am. Hope things start feeling better soon for ya, even if you don't write anymore.

Also, just read Gears in the Void. Liked it a lot, ya got talent, kid. (I know you're probably older than me, but whatever.)


Surprisingly. I'm still working on things, I'm just tired of making excuses for why it's taking so long. I've been through a lot and it has affected my writing style enough that nothing feels right anymore.


They've been better.

  • Viewing 124 - 128 of 128
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