• Member Since 11th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


A friendly hybrid from the naga folk. Dabbler digital artist and writter. A long, sturdy creature fond of food and industry. Beware of his hugs!

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Thank you for taking your time to be here, and please, feel free to peruse my stories. They're not much and I'm not very active, but I hope you enjoy them.

Comments ( 348 )
  • Viewing 344 - 348 of 348

Just wanted to say that I absolutely loved the Slumber of Gaia ❤️

Thanks for the favorite.

Any progress since then?

Comment posted by LightGust deleted Dec 26th, 2021

I’d really like to but I do have a creative block with it. I know what I want to do with it but can’t seem to get to write it.

  • Viewing 344 - 348 of 348
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