Shameless plug: Four Job Fiesta charity stream · 11:57pm Jun 14th, 2016
Remember how I claim I'm good at self-imposed challenges? Remember how I've done charitable stuff in the past? Remember how I'm a useless piece of shit?
- No Bio provided. Dia II is better, anyway. -
As of 12MAY2016
Secret Project #14
Status: Hiatus (60%)
My Little Chrono Triggers
Chapter: 28
Status: Hiatus (10%)
Chapter: 3
Status: Hiatus (0%)
Mind's Shy
Chapter: 3
Status: Hiatus
Remember how I claim I'm good at self-imposed challenges? Remember how I've done charitable stuff in the past? Remember how I'm a useless piece of shit?
Stories of mine which I haven't bothered to clean up/repost
Hearth's Warming Cards
Better Batter Bitter
Guest Appearances
+ The Brony Bookclub Episode 23 [5MAY2013] Co-host! Interview with Ten Speed, author of Fancy Mathematics, discussing Twilight Sparkle.
+ The Brony Bookclub Episode 20 [31MAR2013] Group episode with Kavonde and Corey Williams. General discussion of what fanfiction means to us, plus a lot of discussion of other fandoms that make us tick.
+ Weekly Writer's Workshop Episode 3 [15DEC2012] Discussion of my writing and reviewing style.
+ The Brony Bookclub Episode 3 [15JUL2012] Discussion of MLCT, as well as "fusion" crossover fics as a subgenre.
Other Projects
+ []Seattle's Angels Biweekly Livestreams
+ Hearth's Warming Care Package
+ Let's Play Chrono Trigger w/ alexmagnet
If you are reading this sentence, you shouldn't have.
Waiting in...
Haven't heard from you in a while, how you been?
I met this author at BronyCon. 0/10; I blame this author for everything. Would catch dinner with again (And given how persnickety I am about table manners, that's sayin' something)
In all seriousness, this guy's a class-act, even when confronted with stupidity. Thanks for making BronyCon better for everyone, Pav.
Give me a really stupid crazy insane dumb story idea I can blame you for. Please.