• Member Since 20th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 12th, 2020

Twilight at Dusk


First Blog, and about music no less... · 1:57am Oct 13th, 2012

So, I've never done a blog before. Well, for all of my watchers (of which I have 2), I have but one thing to say: Thanks for the watches, though I have no idea why, because I haven't posted anything...

Now, onto the other part. Pony music of awesomeness. Both are by Ponyphonic.

"The Moon Rises", about Luna's fall.

"Lullaby for a Princess", which is about how Celestia feels about being forced to banish Luna.

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Comments ( 67 )
  • Viewing 63 - 67 of 67

Thanks for the fav!

Thanks for the fave on Out of the Cold. It's much appreciated.:twilightsmile:

Rush and Pony on!

Thank you for the fave!

Thank you for the fave of To Be Pounded! :)

Be on the lookout for more chapters!

815496 You mean other than the fact that it allows me to use the words "biker" and "Celestia" in the same sentence and not feel like a fool? :rainbowlaugh: Tis an interesting idea, I think, and I've a soft spot for Doctor Who (random adventures) type stories. Add the fact that it has a romance tag and Celestia is involved? Yeah. I'm waiting for the next chapter. And the one where the romance part starts happening. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 63 - 67 of 67
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