• Member Since 20th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 6 minutes ago


"When the dust has cleared, and victory denied; a summit too lofty, river a little too wide. If we keep our pride, though paradise is lost, we will pay the price, but we will not count the cost."

Written Things Go Here

The User Page of that Old, Rush-addicted Brony

Welcome to my user page. As stated, yes, I am a massive fan of Rush. My passion may have cooled over the years, but I've found many a solace in the lyrics penned by Neil. As like many other nerds that reside here, other activites that grab my eye are video games (PC Master Race and all that) and penning the occasional story. Have been around on this site for a long while and seen things come and go, but one thing that doesn't change is the love this community has for our pastel ponies.

At one time, I was a massive fan of any story related to the Dazzlings from Rainbow Rocks, however, ponies won out in the end. Other hightlights of my tenure with MLP was being part-time editor of A Dazzling Winter by thegreatcat14. Even wrote a story in the continuity. If you like one, you'll probably like the other.

Now, well, I've been inactive for a while, but I've recently had a resurgence in writing motivation, so some things might be coming down the pipe in the next months. It's funny how tastes change: thankfully MLP wasn't one of the victims.

Finally, if these kinds of lists are done any more, here's the top 5 favourite ponies: Tempest Shadow, Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, Luna, Velvet Remedy (OC ponies count, right)?

Enjoy my writings! :twilightsmile:


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Comments ( 153 )
  • Viewing 144 - 153 of 153

Thank you very much for the favorite! :twilightsmile:

Thankies for the good vibes! :3

Of course! All awesome possums must be checked on!

Ah, I probably should have figured that. :rainbowlaugh: Either way, hope that goes well, and it can get some recognition when it's out. Thanks for dropping by and asking how I was doing. :twilightsmile:

Thank you!

It's from my novel series 🤭

Ah, well, best of luck with that, then! I do not recognize the image you sent.

Doing okay, I suppose. Yourself?

To channel my inner General Kenobi: Hello there.

  • Viewing 144 - 153 of 153
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