So who the heck is still here? · 9:57pm Jun 3rd, 2021
Man... just over 2 years since my last blog post -- and since that Aria/Rarity labor-of-love.
Rockin' that fedora like Cary Grant.
Man... just over 2 years since my last blog post -- and since that Aria/Rarity labor-of-love.
Man... just over 2 years since my last blog post -- and since that Aria/Rarity labor-of-love.
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Here to make your day 'cuz why not
Good to hear, and thanks. The final chapter will go up tomorrow morning.
He's back! I don't check this as regularly as I used to, but I'm glad I managed to catch your newest story. I skimmed over what you have (no slight against you; that's just how I read), and I look forward to giving it a deeper read when it's all up.
Hope you've been doing well.
Hey as well - I appreciate the thought, and you asking here.
I'm still lurking. Just haven't been active on the writing or art lately.
Between job and family, and then the MMO bug biting me again, it's just been other priorities for time.
Hey man. It's been a while; just checkin' in. How have you been?