• Member Since 4th Dec, 2021
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I am Spyder27 and I write MLP stories! I'm known as the Emperor of Sundagio by friends~ I don't write free stories, so DM me for comm details. Follow me if you want regular updates on my stories~


Sundagioverse Timeline! (UPDATED FREQUENTLY) · 3:24am May 6th

This blog post is meant to serve as a timeline for the Sundagioverse and official order of the series. I will pin this to my profile page and other profiles like on Tumblr. I will try my best to update this as frequently as I can~

-A Dazzling World Check it out here!

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  • Wednesday
    You're cordially invited!

    Hello, all!

    As you know, my name is Spyder27. I am the author of the Sundagioverse. Today, I have a very special announcement for all of you. The final chapter of A Dazzling Trio has released! You are all invited to the marriage of the century! Or at least the marriage of the day~

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  • 2 weeks
    Ready for some info?

    Hello, everyone

    If you've been following my updates for a while, you probably know A Dazzling Trio, the latest entry in the Sundagioverse, is almost done. We only have one chapter left. It is not the end of the series, but it is going to serve as an end of a chapter. The end of the saga that started in A Dazzling World. After this, a new chapter will begin and you will see what I mean by that VERY soon.

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  • 4 weeks
    Happy Birthday, Mon!

    Hello, everyone!

    So, I know everyone is eagerly awaiting the final chapter of A Dazzling Trio. I know I am. However, I have a couple of things I want to do before I make that chapter. One of those things is to celebrate the birthday of a dear friend of mine~ By now, I'm sure you all know her. Mon668. I talk about her a lot in my author's notes and whenever I have a birthday or Christmas gift for her. Well, her birthday has come around once again and I have nothing to show for it.

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  • 5 weeks
    Chapter 34: The Finishing Touch

    So, I finally uploaded chapter 34 of A Dazzling Trio. Honestly, I can't help but feel emotional since we only have one chapter left until the end of this story. While the series will continue, this is still a point of the series I never thought I would get to. My only hint for next chapter is that it will likely be long since I want to end it with a bang. Something to truly remember. Whether I succeed in that goal, who knows. Regardless, I hope everyone enjoys this chapter!

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  • 5 weeks
    Family Emergency and another update

    So, if you all read my last update, you probably noticed how I promised to release a new chapter of A Dazzling Trio this last Friday. That, of course, did not happen. However, it is not because I simply did not want to. I try my best to uphold my promises when I can. This was not one of those situations unfortunately.

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Comments ( 33 )
  • Viewing 29 - 33 of 33

Funnily enough, this story is made for a competition that I am also entering :rainbowlaugh:

Been a while since I saw any other Sundagio fiction on this site, so thought I might share this:

You're welcome.:twilightsmile: Of course, feel free to mention it in a blog. I'm sure a lot of your other readers would like to contribute as well. As for saying the smaller stories were side stories, well, I did that because your feature box mentioned the other three as the 'main titles'.

I never imagined someone would make essentially a wiki for my fanfic. Well, moreso a webpage describing my fic, but still. It seems like something I would do out of pure ego :rainbowderp: Thank you very much for this~ The only suggestion I have is changing the line "stories that aren't necessarily part of the main series:" since the stories you mentioned are part of the main series and I would usually suggest reading them as well :rainbowlaugh: Other than that, I think you did a great job encapsulating my series and providing concise yet interesting descriptions of each entry~ This trope page will need to be updated when I get past A Dazzling Trio :pinkiecrazy: Also, the series can be found on FiMFiction, AO3, and Wattpad~

Hey, Spyder, I've recently done something for you that I hope you'll enjoy. Just follow this link.

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