• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2021
  • offline last seen August 28th

Tania tokustar

A brony from galaxy’s far away

Comments ( 50 )
  • Viewing 36 - 50 of 50

Howdy howdy, and thank you for the follow! May I ask why?

Thanks for the watch!

I'm being watched! Thank you! :scootangel:

Thanks for the watch and fave!

Thanks for the watch

Thank you for the follow!

Thank you for the follow.

Thx for watching me. :rainbowderp:

Hey! Thank you so much for the Favourite on The Phoenix and the Headstone :twilightsmile: If you'd like something lighter, why not try The Infinite Office Of Destiny :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the follow! :pinkiesmile:

Hello my friend and thank you for the refollow. I hope you enjoy my stories

Thanks for the watch.

Thanks for the watch my friend.

Totes thanx for the follow.

Thanks for following me. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 36 - 50 of 50
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