• Member Since 30th Mar, 2018
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Universal Librarian

Just a tired Welshman with a penchant for writing. You can also catch me on TikTok! Now with added Ko-Fi!

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Gratitude · 11:18am Apr 28th, 2023

Hey, I'd just like to thank everyone who donated and helped me keep a roof over my head this month. I didn't expect anywhere near as swift or complete a response as I got, and I'm reminded of just how awesome a community this fandom is at its core. Seriously, you guys are lifesavers!

Once again, I appreciate everything you've done for me. Words can't express just how thankful I am. Thank you all!

Report Universal Librarian · 213 views ·
Comments ( 89 )
  • Viewing 85 - 89 of 89

I hope that whatever is going on in your life works out for the best.

Let us mortals know if you are still alive and if not, let us know anyway.

God bless.

I second this, you've done a great job with this series, and a lot of the other 40k tribute stories have either finished or stagnated. I think you'd do it justice :rainbowdetermined2:

Hope you’re doing well

mmmmm okey, and your still planning on ending some of them... you cruel cruel man, :/

An interesting idea. I am, of course, planning a sequel involving the survivors getting used to home again, then another one involving a different series, but I feel like, if I did do Warhammer 40,000, it would be something the girls would have to build up to. The opponents there are just too powerful, so the girls would need to become stronger and more powerful before they get dumped in Commora- I mean, the 40k universe. Say, by going through through a few sequels to Fallout Girls before it. Hypothetically, of course...

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