• Member Since 12th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


You probably don't know him.

Current status

The good news is my career is keeping me busy; the bad news is that means I have very little time for writing. I have a story idea that's been in the outline phase for more than a year – I really need to sit down, start typing, and see if it works. Will I ever get around to doing that? Who knows?

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So, who's this guy?

I was going about my life, never expecting to sign up for a Fimfiction account. One day, a possible My Little Pony storyline popped into my head. I knew it was a story the show wouldn't tell, but I felt like it deserved to "happen." I'd never written any sort of fan fiction before, but I thought I'd give it a try as a way to broaden my horizons.

I suspect I won't be a very prolific author. Writing fan fiction isn't exactly in my wheelhouse, and for the stories I have written, I've had to do quite a bit of work before they were in publishable condition.


An unconnected scenelet · 6:27am May 10th

The moon had risen over Lyra and Bon Bon’s day trip to Canterlot. They had spent the morning and afternoon visiting Lyra’s parents (and Bon Bon’s in-laws) for lunch and conversation. When evening rolled around, they left to meet up with Lyra’s foalhood friends at a downtown tavern to celebrate the bonus that Lemon Hearts had received for expertly organizing the state dinner that helped reestablish relations with the diamond dogs.

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Comments ( 6 )
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Always been a huge fan of your work, just wanted to let you know that they are almost a genre unto themselves in my eyes and I appreciate the work you put in immensely

Love the Lyra and Bon Bon stories.

Read a couple of your fics and I really dig your style. Hope to see more if the muse strikes. n_n

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