• Member Since 25th Nov, 2018
  • offline last seen June 23rd


Lest We Forget A writer that should write things... Possibly should write something... Yes, I'm going to write something.

Blog Posts

  • 135 weeks

    Thinking of changing some things to my story.

    0 comments · 198 views
  • 179 weeks

    My writers block had been lifted!

    0 comments · 238 views
  • 180 weeks

    Oh my, almost a month in and I'm in the last and latest chapter for Trigger To Tomorrow and I'm going to have to take a pause on that because quite frankly, that story is just too good! I started reading it when Vex uploaded the latest chapter back on the tenth of Jan. Longwalk's journey so far has been a thrilling ride. Almost non-stop action. It is something I'm not used to in FoE fanfics.

    In lieu of this, I'm jumping straight back in War Does Change oh my, the plot thickens.

    0 comments · 284 views
  • 182 weeks

    Hello fellow pony readers, I think my writing style is more closely related to vignettes. Writing long pieces is hard for me. Writing shorter chapters without my muse is really difficult. Big reason why my story is still in unfinished limbo. I really enjoy reading other peoples novels and fics.

    Thanks for reading this. It helps get my point across.

    0 comments · 235 views
  • 183 weeks

    A couple weeks ago I started reading "Trigger of Tomorrow" because I took a couple week hiatus on "Commonwealth" and "War Does Change."

    Read More

    0 comments · 212 views

17 · 2:09am Dec 23rd, 2021

Thinking of changing some things to my story.

Report Revluc_The_Pony · 198 views ·
Comments ( 58 )
  • Viewing 54 - 58 of 58

My name is Wrex. What's your?

Thanks for the favorite on “Anon Von Bismarck”

Thanks for adding A Midnight Stroll to your bookshelf!

  • Viewing 54 - 58 of 58
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