• Member Since 27th Dec, 2016
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Sanguine Blade

Writer on Fanfiction.net looking for inspiration and enjoyment.

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Comments ( 57 )
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Здравствуйте мне очень нравиться ваш рассказ "Проект 131" я бы хотела узнать, а продолжение рассказа будет?
И если что с любовью из Казахстана!

I just realized I just read that one thing today and you posted that on November 3rd lol I’m kind of dumb at times sorry

I was considering doing a story that was an Au equestria with an Oc sayain so I could allow them to have Beserk sayain mode. I currently have two DBz stories in the works the sayain one and one about a displaced Majin

I read you were looking for a displaced dragon ball idea so i thought what about a displaced Broly cosplayer to tell the truth I think it would be cool if you found a way to implement this

Have a person that was dressed up as Broly

That's certainly true.

oh i moved it from tracking to the bin where i put stories that most likely wont be updating in the near future

Canterlot Adventures.

do you mean the advertisment I did? I was experimenting with getting my followers to actually comment. Hence why I made the preview for the story idea.

2cheers for the add.

If u wish talk further best contact me by my xbox gt which is on my profile bio

Comment posted by Lunar eclipse airsoft deleted Oct 2nd, 2019

I use to proof read and edit for a person on here til our xbox friendship turn sour

  • Viewing 38 - 57 of 57
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MAKING IT OFFICIAL · 12:45am May 8th, 2021

Hello to my loyal fans. I know some of you are wondering what has happened and I think its time I explained.

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