• Member Since 24th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


There are only so many cards life hands out, you just have to run with the ones you got and hope for the best.

Story Status & Word Count

Submitted Stories -

Homebound - Chapter III - 4,229 words

The Ghost of a Man - Chapter II - 1,926 words

Of Swords and Axes - Chapter II - 1,984 words

Unsubmitted -

A Lone Wolf's Retirement - Chapter I - 897 words

A Guardian's Tale in Equestria - Chapter III - 772 words

The Right Hero in the Wrong Era - Chapter II - 1,881 words

The Augmented Hunter of Equestria - Chapter I - 204 words

On Titanium Wings - Chapter I - 1.484 words

Grand Theft Equestria - Chapter I - 1,926 words

Trapped - Chapter I - 0 words

Equisfall - Chapter I - 0 words

A Demon Amongst Monsters - Chapter I - 1,507 words

The Displaced Huntsman of Equestria - Chapter I - 1,725 words

Hearts of Iron and Souls of Ponies - Chapter I - 2,689 words

Canceled Stories

Just My Luck... - Chapter IV - 1,021 words

Basic Info about me!

I live in southern California where the weather rarely changes. I want to become a computer animator. I am an avid gamer. I favor racing games over FPS games, even though I have some of them. I will admit I have some mental and physical issues. The mental one is having a slow processing speed. The physical one is having Retinitis Pigmentosa and having two blind spots within my eyes. Retinitis Pigmentosa is a degenerative disease in the eye were the peripheral vision will slowly shrink till a person becomes blind. So yeah I will eventually go blind, when that will happen I don't know. It could be twenty to forty years later down the line. So now onto a more happier subject music. When it comes to my favorite genre of music it varies between Irish punk to rock to country to classic rock.

Latest Stories

A Creed to Live By

This creed was written by an anonymous person on fanfiction.net. The user The Vigilante found it and uses it as his creed. I use it as mine as well.

Today, writers are scorned because of those too unversed to know.

Disdained, because of the those too ignorant to believe.
Despised, because of the realists who are too afraid to dream.
Misunderstood, because others are too unsure to try.

A writer is a person who dreams.
A writer is a person who wishes.
A writer is a person who escapes.
A writer is a person who lives.
A writer is a person who is not afraid.
A writer is a person who strives.

A person who expresses.
A person who believes.
A person who understands.
A person who knows.

I am a writer.

I dream of a world where anything is possible.
I wish for a world where war is just a myth.
I escape into a world where I can predict the future.
I live in a world of joy and mystery.
I am not afraid of the world I create.
I strive in the world where others give up.

I express myself in ways others dare not try.
I believe in things others are too afraid to trust.
I understand things others cannot, in a way that others cannot.
I know, in ways that others deny.


Story Up Date #2 · 10:13pm Oct 5th, 2017

So as most of you have noticed there hasn't been an update to Homebound recently. Well to be blunt with all of you I lost interest in writing the third chapter, but don't panic I am back at writing the chapter. Though a new problem as arisen...College. So I will continue writing whenever I get the chance like today. Though the third chapter is going to be big and it will explain quite a bit of information. So here is a bit of banter between Jericho, Spitfire, and Andrew/Leonidas from Andrew's

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Report TheWolfSpartanBrony · 363 views · Story: Homebound ·
Comments ( 12 )
  • Viewing 1 - 12 of 12

Thanks for the favourite on Cards Against the Princesses!

May I inquire as the when the home bound story will be continued?

Nice, thanks for letting me know because im really interested in how the story turns out

To be honest I am not 100% sure when that will be because I have been having a bit of writers block that comes and goes. Though as of right now there is about 1,575 words in it so it is being worked on just at slower pace than I would like, but it's getting there.

When are you going to update Homebound

>>Nova Borealis Eh well every one has there cup of tea. Your Welcome.

I prefer RPGs but sci fi is my best subject. Thanks for the watch.

You are most welcome! I hope that you'll jump right in and enjoy the stories and the community here on the site.:twilightsmile:

Thanks man! I have been reading so many stories from here that i decided why the hell not I visit so often might as well join the community!

Hello there! Welcome to FIMFiction.:pinkiesmile:

If you need any help figuring out how the site works, don't be afraid to ask. I'm always happy to help, and we're all glad that you are here!:twilightsmile:

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