• Member Since 28th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


I became an enthusiastic Brony when I discovered MLP:FiM between seasons 3 & 4 via the review/analysis community. I hope you like my contributions.

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Tangents of Equestria: An Excersise in Worldbuilding - Hearthstone's Inn · 4:44am May 26th, 2018

Hearthstone's Inn, or rather the Traveler's Rest Inn, is a mid-sized establishment with a tavern on the first floor, three upper floors of rooms for rent, and a large storage cellar. It is currently run by an Earth Pony by the name of Hearthstone, who inherited the inn from his father, Fireside. Hearthstone sometimes tends the bar, and occasionally cooks, but he mainly keeps himself free so he can be a good host for any visitors staying in his establishment.

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Comments ( 68 )
  • Viewing 64 - 68 of 68

Hey just making sure love your work and seen too many abandoned profiles recently. Every thing going alright with you or just writing block?


Sorry, been a while since I've written anything for any of my fics.

Hey, you gonna be updating any of your story's soon? Specifically "My life as a royal changeling"? Cus that story's f_cking amazing

Ah. Well I hope you can get well soon bro. 2nd shot knocked my dad on his ass when he got it. Same for some coworkers. I was told vitamin C helped.

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