State of the Pony · 7:17pm Jun 20th, 2016
The past year has been super busy at work, with 6 and sometimes 7 day work weeks. -Not a particularly pleasant segueway from coming out of a previous year of recurring illness and attendant depression.
Equine fur artist and occasional writer, as seen on Deviant Art, and a constant RP player on
The past year has been super busy at work, with 6 and sometimes 7 day work weeks. -Not a particularly pleasant segueway from coming out of a previous year of recurring illness and attendant depression.
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Heeeeee, I see you're writing!
2321797 That's appreciated, but I've kinda got my own ideas on how this reincarnation will work.
Just proposing that if you had any questions about what might happen with a reincarnate, I might be able to help.
If your hero has any in-story dreams now that he is faced with his past, that would be up to you.
Not necessarily disregarding what you said, but how exactly was that supposed to help, other than maybe suggesting that Thomas have dreams about past lives.
Thank you, maybe someday.