• Member Since 8th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 6th, 2023

Ultra Sonic

I am a fan of fanfics in any catgory so im hear to comment and read


Doing a stream tomorrow night come if you want answers or some shit. Ask for skype if you want to be a part of it and answer twitch or livestream questions · 2:31am Sep 21st, 2015

I'm a little drunk so.....I'm going to have a stream of either euro truck simulator 2, borderlands or MGS 5 you guys decide which. I'll answer any and all questions you want to ask. Why I haven't been writing for two years and anything you want. Hope to see a few faces there but with how my profile has been dead all this time...I really doubt it

Report Ultra Sonic · 390 views · Story: A Parasitic Relationship ·
Comments ( 52 )
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Yo what's up?

It's my pleasure to say I'm finally working on my story again~

Sorry for the EXTREMELY long wait :yay:

  • Viewing 48 - 52 of 52
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