• Member Since 25th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 28th, 2020


FC: 5472-7670-0339

Peaceful young races with fires on their houses,
Millions of voices all silenced like mouses,
Watching the cowards bow towards their new king,
These are a few of my favorite things.
Lava and rain, are spewed like acid
Innocent souls being burnt into ashes
All the pure humans are choked in their sleep
Hearts are erupting to be crushed by my feet
Flaming end - speech being cast into blood
Just to survive you all are forced to run
Dying in agony for what you believed
These are a few of my favorite things
Millions of children all starving and dying
Touching young babies and silenced their crying
Calling the darkness that ends all the weaklings
These are a few of my favourite things
"A new dawn arises and I'm all alone,
Then I look to the sky and search for more homes,
I pick a direction and I hear you sing,
These are a few of my favorite things,


Coming back to this account is saddening · 1:52am Dec 16th, 2018

Heart hurts but gotta shake the dust off

Report Zinger · 305 views ·
Comments ( 316 )
  • Viewing 312 - 316 of 316

Hey Zinger, any chance of the villains group getting a new icon & banner?

y nut‽

That is all. Equestria is ours.



g0t anithing nu een da w0rkz¿

That is all. Equestria is ours.


  • Viewing 312 - 316 of 316
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