• Member Since 8th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Stories about families, friends, the past, the present, the future, the science of magic and the magic of science.


All in all it’s just another brick in the… · 12:54am July 15th

I’ve participated in another contest, this time Bicyclete’s “A Thousand Words III” contest. This time it’s a slice of life and had to fit in that “1000 words and not one more and not one less” requirement. If you haven’t read it yet I hope you do and if you enjoy the story or have some constructive advice please leave a comment.

EThe Wall
Sometimes even inanimate objects have enormous impacts on lives and souls.
    Dafaddah · 1000 words  ·  10  0 · 107 views


    Report Dafaddah · 23 views · Story: The Wall · #One shot

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    I’m glad you liked it! This was the only story I wrote this year, so it’s me who thanks you for providing me a challenging premise - it certainly made me think a lot about the nature of gifts and was a reminder of what a joy writing can be!

    Oh, and Happy New Year!

    Thank you so much for your gift:

    EWhat is Given
    A filly discovers that heritage can have many meetings, and that gifts don’t always come in neat packages.
    Dafaddah · 3.9k words  ·  13  1 · 142 views

    It was the only gift I received for these holidays. If you hadn’t written this, I would have had to go into 2024 without any gifts at all.

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    I have been writing on FimFiction for over three years now, and have over three hundred and fifty thousand words of published stories, some in the general MLP universe, some universes of my own devising, and some set in the Conversion Bureau or Friendship is Optimal universes.

    General MLPfim Works:
    The Persistence of Memory (the origins of Equestria)
    Outland (a story about Zecora in the Everfree)
    Mush Story (A romantic comedy involving Twilight And first contact with humans. A sequel to TotallyNotaBrony's Tooth and Nail)
    Alone (A horror story staring Twilight Sparkle)
    Filial (A story about Spike, Twilight, Trixie and sea-ponies)
    The Vacation Crew (Luna takes a vacation with the mane six)
    The Good of the Many (Humans and Equestrians work together to avoid a disaster that could end both worlds - stars the LHC at CERN!)

    The Optimalverse:
    The Patient (Can a damaged soul climb out of Hell and find value in friendship and ponies?)

    The Conversion Bureau universe(s):
    Friendship is mADgic (parody/comedy- Twilight discovers advertising)
    Space for Magic (a complete reset of TCB - a humanized Twilight Sparkle comes to warn humanity of the coming clash of universes.)
    The Fall of Icarus (A slice-of-life tragedy)
    A Newfoal Nöel (Orphan newfoals have a hard time adjusting to Equestria)
    Attack of the Killer Muffins! (Parody, with some collab)
    Mankind Triumphant - Relic (A dark story of possible insanity and redemption?)
    Renaissance Pony (Humanity's influence in the development of pre-classical Equestria)

    This last story is goes heavily into the history of Equestria, covers the period from just before the Hearth's Warming Eve era up to Luna's rebellion, and the main character is none other than Starswirl the Bearded, who (author makes a shameless grab for attention!) started life as Leonardo da Vinci.

    The Elements of Ascension universe(s):
    This Quiet Earth(Twilight Sparkle and Starswirl the Bearded finally meet!)


    Dafaddah's Box of Chocolates (compendium of short bits, lyrics, contest entries, etc.)


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    About me

    I joined the FimFiction community in order to discover if I could write fiction that others would enjoy, something I've wanted to do since I was a teenager over thirty years ago. Since I started this I think I've learned quite a lot, and a big part of it is from participation in groups with plenty of fellow authors sharing critiques, techniques and honest advice.
    Name: Dafaddah
    Age: 51 (yes, years!)
    Nationality: Canadian
    Notes: I am an avid fan of science fiction, history and cosmology, and (like a lot of others on this site) I want to end up publishing original work In the commercial media. I have many published articles of non-fiction - but that's work, not passion! I like creating characters, and I think my main strengths are characterization and plot creation (when you assume...). I also like to explore the science of magic and the magic of science, and the relations, parallels and differences between the philosophy, culture and psychology of Equestria and Earth.