Group 22. The First. The Best. The One True and Original Conversion Bureau Group.
The very best and brightest stories from the Conversion Bureau mythos are gathered here. Good, solid, well written stories that show the true breadth and depth of what is easily one of the most original, vital, and intelligent creations on the whole of Fimfiction. Here you will find only the finest works, all collected in one place.
The Conversion Bureau Group exists to celebrate and promote the wonderful Conversion Bureau Genre!
What IS a
The Conversion Bureau is a fantastic, exciting, and marvelous genre, but what truly defines it? What really IS a Conversion Bureau story?
Conversion Bureau stories are transformation fiction. They are stories of ordinary humans offered the most extraordinary of experiences - that of becoming an entirely new species. Bureau stories examine the nature of identity and existence at a fundamental level.
Primary to any true Conversion Bureau story is a deep love of ponies, Equestria, Celestia and Luna, and all the most wonderful things about My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. The Bureau genre began as simple wish fulfillment, as the dream of a science fictional means to become ponies and live in their universe as one of them. But it has grown far beyond that humble and simple origin.
Conversion Bureau authors love and expand upon the joy and innocence that My Little Pony represents, and juxtapose the often harsh and cruel real world of Earth beside that of Equestria. Through some means the two realms are brought together, and humans are offered the gift of becoming Equestrian themselves.
In a Bureau story, humans may react to this opportunity in any number of ways. They may embrace it, or fear it, resign themselves to it or even oppose it - but the transformation is usually inevitable, and humankind is forced to confront the issue of what it means to become the Other.
This ancient literary technique - as old as man - offers the Bureau author a wonderful way to explore both what is good, and what is terrible, about humanity, while presenting human ideals in contrast, painted in pony form.
The most common Conversion Bureau story places humanity in a state of catastrophe, when suddenly the alien universe that is Equestria collides with our own cosmos. Time is limited, and the dying earth will be destroyed before its already inevitable end. Ponies, being generous, offer Man a lifeboat, an escape - but it is a salvation that comes with a price. The price is that to enter Equestria - a world of magic and utterly different physical laws - Homo sapiens must become Equus Sapiens.
With their back against the wall, and time running out, humanity must decide whether to live as ponies, or die as men. Complicating this decision is that Equestria is a paradisaical fairyland, and the change to pony body is not merely physical - the brain is changed too, so that only the best of a person remains, and their evil is lost.
What truly is the self? What defines a person? Is evil necessary, or a burden? Is an individual their thoughts and memories, or are they the meat, the substrate they are made of? Is the value of humankind in their thumbs... or in their hearts? These are the questions that the Conversion Bureau explores.
There are many Bureau universes, and many Bureau authors. Not all agree on how the two universes collide, or why, or how the process of ponification occurs. But all true Conversion Bureau authors agree on some basic principles: My Little Pony is a wonderful show, ponies themselves are awesome and good, and we all could learn to be better people, by emulating the ponies we love so much.
In the Conversion Bureau, we can see what it would be like to actually become the thing we love so much. But apart from the simple joy of that dream fulfilled, the Conversion Bureau also allows us to compare and contrast what our real lives are like when examined beside the magical wonderland of Equestria. While this basic concept is as old as humanity, the 'My Little Pony Meets Blade Runner' science fictional take on the transformation genre is like nothing else. It is unique, exciting, emotional and challenging.
Come along and become a pony too, and see the world through fresh and fascinating eyes!
Welcome to the Conversion Bureau!
What new desire are these?
I long to pace o'er flowery meadows
and to feed on grass!Her stooping body on her hands is borne,
Her hands are turned to hoofs, and shod in horn.Her yellow tresses ruffle in a mane,
And in a flowing tail she frisks her train.The mare was finished in her voice and look,
and a new name from the new figure took.- Ocyrhoe's Transformation, Ovid, 23 BC
The Three Rules Of The Conversion Bureau Genre
1. Conversion Bureau stories are transformation fiction. They are stories of ordinary humans offered the most extraordinary of experiences - that of becoming an entirely new species. Bureau stories examine the nature of identity and existence at a fundamental level.
2. Primary to any true Conversion Bureau story is a deep love of ponies, Equestria, Celestia and Luna, and all the most wonderful things about My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Conversion Bureau stories expand upon the joy and innocence that My Little Pony represents, and juxtapose the often harsh and cruel real world of Earth beside that of Equestria. Through some means the two realms are brought together, and humans are offered the gift of becoming Equestrian themselves.
3. In a Conversion Bureau story, humans may react to this opportunity in any number of ways. They may embrace it, or fear it, resign themselves to it or even oppose it - but the transformation is usually inevitable, and humankind is forced to confront the issue of what it means to become the Other.
Can I simply post my story in the appropriate folder, or is there a procedure I need to go trough?
The original story was written by Blaze. It is incomplete. Blaze abandoned it at an early stage. Nonetheless, it established the core concept that was expanded upon by the spinoffs. It can currently be found here:
can somebody send me the link to the original conversion bureau story. i cant quite identify which one the source material is.
TCB on mondas... What could go wrong?
Re: Worlds Collide ....
I have this one looping in background for some .. time:
That is an awesome video up top....Im talking Dash level awesomeness.
Let us (oh that sounds good) all be friends.
Just joined the group. Though I most likely wont be submitting any stories bc I am like probably the WORST author in all of history (future history included lol). I love love love reading though. And most importantly I love MLP and Equestria. Check out my blog here....atm there is only 1 post but that may change at any time.
video is FIXED! Thanks Chatoyance :}
433228 (me again)
So, I have little idea who is who ....
But found this LJ (with some videos also unavilable? ..but user at least is alive as of 19/jul/2019)
while similary-named user here on fimfiction is incative (?)
433227 (me)
Apparently, whole channel was deleted o.O Still, some visuals (among with shots from Chatoyance's cover art!) still live here
Brief search on this (character?) name resulted in this link: apparently has no copy of this 0.45 long video .....
ooops. video from description was removed?
Can't access the thread
auto specialist omaha
I finally did it! I finally finished TCB: Rewrite of 1996!
Sounds nice, thanks. I'll read them soon!
I... just remembered. I have written a story that sort of fits your requirement. I've written a lot here, and it's easy to forget what I have done. I did a short story where there is a technological fix for humanity. Actually, several short stories. It isn't exactly the same thing as what you wanted, but... it's sort of close.
The first short story is 'The Friendship Virus'. In it, an unknown group has genetically engineered a virus that makes people have more empathy and more of a herd instinct. How this happened is explained in 'Our Man In Gomorrah', which is itself a follow-up to 'The Pony Singularity'.
There is one more short story in this series, 'Flight PNY-1 To Jannah'. In this short, we see how the PNY-1 or 'pony' virus changes hearts and minds during a transpacific flight where a terrorist threatens with a bomb. All thanks to Polytranscriptase Nuclear Y-chromatin - The Friendship Virus.
It isn't magic, but it does leave humans still physically human while changing their hunter-gatherer ways. Maybe these short-short stories might help inspire, or be good for a moment of entertainment. In any case, I just remembered that I had written them at all!
Thanks! I've got a backlog of ideas to finish writing first, but I'd love to start work on that soon.
Well, then, I think you have your next story figured out! I'll keep an eye out for it.
That's the deal with writing: if there is an unfilled need, it's up to you to fill it. I look forward to your 'human redemption through magic' story!
Not just a better role model, but a whole species that helps the world around them. A species that "Conquered" nature and gained absolute power over it, without needing any of mankind's usual environmentally-unfriendly tech. A species that can transmute poop into gold and magically alter a species's diet at will and who knows what else. Humanity evolved to survive and thrive in a brutal world, while trying (and not really succeeding, but trying) to create a gentler and kinder civilized world.
Magically turning Parasprites from food-eaters into everything-but-food eaters was easier for Twilight than realizing she'd forgotten to designate a new thing for the Parasprites to eat. That kind of magic could turn the whole planet into a utopia where nobody needs to act like what you had to be to survive a few months ago, and those who do anyway would be seen as stupid old-fashioned killjoys trying to bring pointless edginess to the wonderful world around them. Even if that's actually due to incredible psychic power from an overdeveloped giant pony brain channeled through a stick of solid bone with a buttload of nerve endings in it, in addition to the usual localized telekinetic field that lets hooves pick up objects, that's incredible psychic power that could replace a hundred factories and make owning, building, and maintaining them pointless. Magic would change the world more than automobiles, planes, and the internet did, times a thousand. It could actually create that theoretical world where money and hunger for it become pointless because everyone would be able to eat well, own a nice house, and have a good life making art or peanut butter or whatever you want to do with your life.
I'm sorry, no, I don't know of any anthropomorphic partial-transformation Bureau stories. It's just an angle nobody seems to have taken. I'm kind of surprised by that, actually. MLP fans are, technically, furs, and anthropomorphics is central to furry fandom.
There are many stories that explore both sudden and gradual improvement of character, but always within the context of a total bodily transmogrification.
It may be that because MLP fans love the tool-using equines of the show so much, they don't see the need for humanoid form. Ponies can do anything a biped with hands can do (plus vastly more), so... probably no writer really saw a need for an anthropomophic middle ground. That's the best theory I have.
As for humans just... becoming something other than a hunter-gatherer evolved to hunt, gather, and raid (yet who remain human outside)... well, that isn't likely just because ponies show up. Humanity has had about 500,000 to a million years, depending on definitions, to become gentle, compassionate, and non-warlike, and, well, they haven't. It's an entropic universe, humans evolved to survive and thrive at any cost. Nature doesn't care about kindness. Humans can't help what they are, they are an animal that is supremely evolved to take every advantage - even if that means atrocity.
Having a better role model wouldn't change human biology. I suppose a claim could be made that magic could make humans nicer, because magic doesn't have to explain anything, but... Bureau stories aren't fantasy.
That's the important point, really. Bureau stories are, by and large, science fiction, and the way I write them, hard SF. That means that there isn't any magic. Just superior technology and alien physical laws. Humans call what ponies do in Bureau stories 'magic', but it isn't, it's actually a technology far, far, far beyond Star Trek level from an alien cosmos with different physical laws.
So that means that in Bureau stories... authors have to provide logical, rational reasons for any change in personality or values in characters. They can't just... get nice... because magic. It's not that kind of genre of story. If a character becomes 'better', then there has to be a rational reason for that given, one that the reader can follow and understand.
Maybe that is why there are no stories where humans just get better because ponies are nearby. Actually, that's a pretty good reason.