• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2020
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


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Blog Posts

  • 75 weeks
    To everypony:

    Happy Hearth's and Hooves Day, everypony! :heart:
    Hope everything is going well today and everyday going forward.

    1 comments · 99 views
  • 81 weeks

    2023 started about 13 minutes ago for me.
    I just realized I haven't been here since last year *rimshot*😜
    I know I know bad joke. But honestly aren't those the best kind. :trollestia:
    My 2 New Year's resolutions are:
    1) Quick drinking.
    2) Break the first resolution.
    And yay for me because I've already kept one of my resolutions, I'll let figure out which one. :rainbowlaugh:

    0 comments · 89 views
  • 82 weeks

    Happy Hearth's Warming, everypony!
    And Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays too!

    0 comments · 76 views
  • 86 weeks
    .... I don't even know anymore

    Ok I know this isn't fandom related but I just have to tell someone, so that I'm not the only one who's brain hurts.
    These Trumpians (diehard Trump supporters/Election deniers) have proven that, yes they CAN be even stupider.
    I was watching the news and found out that Trumpians actually believe that Chump really is still president since he didn't lose the election (despite the fact that he did lose and Biden did win). Which means that Chump is still in charge of the military too.

    Read More

    0 comments · 103 views
  • 90 weeks
    Happy Nightmare Night

    I hope everyone is having a great Halloween/Nightmare Night.

    0 comments · 75 views

To everypony: · 11:31am Feb 14th, 2023

Happy Hearth's and Hooves Day, everypony! :heart:
Hope everything is going well today and everyday going forward.

Report DarkPhoenixx · 99 views ·
Comments ( 26 )
  • Viewing 22 - 26 of 26

Thanks for adding Shenanigans on Hearth’s Warming to your favorites!

Greetings :twilightsmile:
Enjoyed a story or a comment i hope :moustache:

Im glad you like my story.

Comment posted by Max Ksenofil deleted Mar 8th, 2022
  • Viewing 22 - 26 of 26
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