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Doug Graves

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Growing Pains · 2:56am Dec 16th, 2023

And so ends another chapter in the Alternate Beginnings saga.

If it feels like an abrupt ending, well, you’re probably not wrong. 

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Report Doug Graves · 402 views · Story: Growing Harmony ·
Comments ( 11 )
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God bless you! God loves you, yes, now and forever.

Wanted to personally say I love this series. It's amazing and I only read the first year so far. But wanted to voice how much I liked it before starting the next! Will be bach when done!

DG have you ever thought about starting a group for the AU that you've made. Just an idea bc you may have the next YHaY-verse or FoE-verse etc. I mean obviously it's not like those but who knows maybe there are ppl who have written or will write stories that are set in your AU.

I was refering to the fact that Curtain Call takes place 6 yrs later in 1000 D.S. so it basically seems like it just jumps right past yrs 2-7......i mean you got Lemon and Apple Baum and AJs colt and theres mention of another foal......they just suddenly appear

Later edit: i just realized in Yr 1 that it has a chapter called epilogue- 6 yrs later i havent read it yet...still have 1 chapter to go before it...so ill see what you meant in just a little bit

  • Viewing 7 - 11 of 11
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