• Member Since 11th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Bronze Inkwell

Hello to all the bronies and pegasisters. I'm a writer for fun and I am beginning to make Youtube videos of stories that I think deserve to be told.

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Snoot Game · 11:20am March 19th

Hey everyone, so being the absolute lover of romance stories I am, YT recommended me a video about a game called 'Goodbye Volcano High'. I thought, 'what the hell', and decided to watch it, but not before checking the comments. All they were saying was that something called 'Snoot Game' was so much freaking better.

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Report Bronze Inkwell · 420 views ·
Comments ( 106 )
  • Viewing 102 - 106 of 106

How are you doing?

How's it hanging

I hope that you are doing very well in IRL, God bless you and keep you safe my friend.

Thank you for adding The Rising to one of your libraries!

Thank you for adding can I have a hug please? To your library.

  • Viewing 102 - 106 of 106
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