• Member Since 15th Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Writing should be done for fun, not money or fame.


Merry Christmas and Happy Hollidays. · 7:24am Dec 25th, 2023

To those that follow me, for whatever reason, may your hollidays be full of happiness and cheer. ^_^

Report Shattered_Moon · 49 views ·
Comments ( 157 )
  • Viewing 153 - 157 of 157

Everything sounds better in peoples heads, it's like arguing with yourself. :)

Thanks for watching me. I know it sounds weird, but it sounded better in my head.

Thanks for the watch, Bossman.

Hi you recently followed me on this site and i think People followed on this site you because you liked their story! That for some reason is a common trend here!

  • Viewing 153 - 157 of 157
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