• Member Since 15th Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen February 13th


I march into the night, Blade and Quill in hoof, ready to serve The Princess of The Night and write stuff...

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Is it Just Me? · 5:05am Mar 18th, 2021

Is it just me or do most MLP reviewers seem overly pessimistic and act like/give off the feeling that most MLP episodes are terrible? Please comment, epically if you are a reviewer yourself, I want to get a clear picture of this.

Report NeoLuna · 214 views ·
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Thanks for the favorite on Story of Us!

the werid part is more just a silly name a gave to a folder for kink stuff, no harm ment

Thanks for adding my story. And sorry if the story’s a little weird… . I mean the fandom is weird in a sense right… ? Either way; thanks for adding my story, and hope that you’ll enjoy it. Peace!

  • Viewing 41 - 45 of 45
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