• Member Since 11th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen July 19th

Twinkie Hoof

Writer of clop, rule 63 and padded pony.


Commission Details · 9:07am Apr 4th, 2015

Twinkie and Vector’s Commission Details
(skip to bottom for my solo commission details, which can be diapered or clop, and are a bit broader than what Vector and I'll do together)


Vector: Hey there! So you decided you want to commission us to write your story. Well, we’d be glad to! Here’s how it goes…

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Report Twinkie Hoof · 671 views · Story: The Prissy Pony's Padding ·

Twinkie Hoof's Clopfic Commissions

CLOP (or not, but why not?) COMMISSION DETAILS
You give me the plot of the story, as detailed as you want to make it, then once I look it over I’ll let you know if I can write it (see below). If I accept the commission, I'll require a 50% down-payment on the story at the base commission price. Each story will take approximately two weeks to complete, though this varies based on content, length, etc. Upon completion, I will send you a notification that the rest is due. Upon receipt of the rest of the payment, I will upload your story to the internet where you can read it. Alternatively, I can keep it private. It’s up to you.

Prices (payment through Paypal):
$18 - Base cost for a story of 2000 word or less
$4.50 - Each additional 500 words, rounded up
If the story runs to something not precisely at a 1000 words, I will round it up to the nearest multiple of 500, which will determine the final cost. If, for instance, the story is only 2,959 words, then it will cost the equivalent of 3,000 words, or $27.

I reserve the right to refuse commissions based on content. I accept OCs, but they must be reasonable (i.e., no Mary Sue characters, no carbon copies of existing official characters, etc.). If you’re not sure, just ask.

I'm willing to write nearly any fetishes, though my preference and what I'm better at include:

M/M (gay), diaper, crossdressing, sissy, feminisation, hypnosis/mind control, humiliation/degradation, pet play, power play.
I will not, however, write any of the following:
Death, bloodplay, gore, hard vore.
Not for any moral objection, they just turn me off is all.

On things I have no opinion of, or am neither for or against, I'll give it a go.

Twinkie Hoof & Vector Scamp Co-Commissions


Vector: Hey there! So you decided you want to commission us to write your story. Well, we’d be glad to! Here’s how it goes…

You give us the plot of the story, as detailed as you want to make it, then once we look it over we’ll let you know if we can write it (see below). If we accept the commission, we require a 50% down-payment on the story at the base commission price. Each story will take approximately two weeks to complete, though this varies based on content, length, etc. Upon completion, we will send you a notification that the rest is due. Upon receipt of the rest of the payment, we will upload your story to the internet where you can read it. Alternatively, we can keep it private. It’s up to you.

Prices (payment through Paypal):

$50 - Base cost for a story of 5000 word or less

$5 - Each additional 500 words, rounded up

If the story runs less than 5000 words, we will round it up to the nearest multiple of 500, which will determine the final cost. If, for instance, the story is only 4,459 words, then it will cost the equivalent of 4,500 words, or $45.

We reserve the right to refuse commissions based on content. We accept OCs, but they must be reasonable (i.e., no Mary Sue characters, no carbon copies of existing official characters, etc.). If you’re not sure, just ask.

Twinkie: You can’t have Celestia and Luna’s secret little brother who everyone dotes on. No. Don’t make me get the newspaper and bap you on the nose!

Vector: Heheh, I think they get the message, Twinkie. Anyway, we both look forward to working with you, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Comments ( 33 )
  • Viewing 29 - 33 of 33

Thanks so much for favoriting "I Feel Beautiful"! :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the fave! I hope you continue to read and enjoy my new fic! It makes writing all worth it. Thanks again :twilightsmile:

I thought of a few new ideas to send your way.
Mind if I sent them to you?

You should update Itzy Blitzy.

  • Viewing 29 - 33 of 33
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