• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 24th, 2018


Padded Pony Story Commissions


Bronycon! ...Also not dead! · 5:20am Jul 23rd, 2018

So to anypony who still watches me, or was hoping I would come back, wish granted! I've been quite busy on my end doing non-story related things, but on I started getting back into writing and reading for this site on my non-Adult Baby account. I figured this account needs some love, too!

I know a lot want me to continue the story, The Rattle, and that may happen in the future, I just need more time to work on new things.

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Report abdlpony · 392 views · #Bronycon
Comments ( 25 )
  • Viewing 21 - 25 of 25

866784 I'm not sure if I will, but check out my story The Rattle and I've got padded pony commissions now!

1843662 Maybe soon, but at the moment accepting story commissions for padded pony stuff.

I loved "Taboo Feelings." Check out my story "A Mother's Touch" and let me know what you think.

When's The Rattle gonna update?

Hello. I'm glittersparkle413. From the stories "My Little Pinkie", "Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash, Sisters Forever", and "Royal Cupcakes", and I was just wondering when you were going to update "Dark Nursery" When are you? And more importantly, will you?

  • Viewing 21 - 25 of 25
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