Celestia Gets Dominated 978 members · 360 stories

so thanks to this lovable jerk off Nom_deCheval and his rather grand who rules book series as it's called , i developed a fetish for power play , and an insatiable desire for princess celestia to be on the receiving end of it.....

so i've searched this site high and low for fics that revolve around this subject , though it didn't matter how many i found it was never enough....

so , patiently waiting for the upload submissions to so many clop groups im subbed to to upload something of this interest , i eventually wondered about the idea for making my own group just for this 1 specific sub genera , the idea being that it would congregate these fics and make them not only easily accessible , but other's that i've missed could be added and maybe by chance it would spur some of the writers for this site to make continuations for fics that needed them (cause i found that there's A LOT of fics in this sub genera that need continuations but have long since been abandoned.....)

so to clarify the fics im looking to be added to this group are to include but not limited to any situation where character :trollestia: get's dominated , beaten , overpowered , corrupted , humiliated , controlled , or overall out matched in any way

however this is not to say that every clop fic where character :trollestia: get's fucked , or every fic from the bdsm groups with character :trollestia: in it is to be added to this one , just having restraints or gags on it's own in an otherwise fun consensual clop scene does not qualify , but if it has some elements of s/m or pet play or such it will fit right in.....

i don't think there's a way to say anything for each individual story in any given group , which is to bad cause i would have liked to summarize the theme/contents of the fics i've gone through , so i'll just have to leave it at this for now i suppose.....

Comments ( 16 )
  • Viewing 1 - 16 of 16

Is this being updated?

yo who ever found the banner can you give me the source of it?

387065 what?....


just having restraints or gags on it's own in an otherwise fun consensual clop scene does not qualify , but if it has some elements of s/m or pet play or such it will fit right in.....

Hey! Do you accept stories in which Celestia gets spanked?

If you do, I got a good one for ya!

380105 red hot pokers?....

This group needs red hot pokers. Then we will shove them in Celstias butt.

the first story to be added to the group by someone other than me :o .....

guess i better go take a look at it then....

370667 *click*........



how many times do i have to click the inbox notification for this comment before it will go away??......

...apparently an infinite amount of times since i could only get rid of the notification with the mark all as read button....

370456 Yay! I'm a fucking piece of...

Hold on a minute. :twilightangry2:


370024 super cool how i don't even get group comment notifications......

idk who thumbed down your comment , but the story you linked is a google doc , not something from this site , it needs to be on here to add to groups on here as far as i know.....

370049 yes you are you fucking piece of shit you.....

Aw shucks! I'm lovable... :heart: :raritystarry:


I couldn't add this story to the folder, so I'll just put it here:
Discord Sits on Celestia's Throne

ok so that's all the fics i could find from the stories i've read with :trollestia: in them , but im sure there's more still that i missed , i need sleep now........

wait the fuck? how have 3 other people joined this already? I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING YET........

369951 ok how? i didn't even do any with this group yet........

Meh, i rather prefer being dominated by celestia.

  • Viewing 1 - 16 of 16