• Member Since 5th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Monday

Lord Commissar Alexer

Faith and Hatred are the only things that keep me alive.

A man without hate is worthless but a man without faith is condemned.

Comments ( 236 )
  • Viewing 232 - 236 of 236

>Be Lord Commisar Alexar

>Drop one of the best stories on the site

>Create one of the best groups on the site

>Tease a sequel to the great story

>Vanish without a trace like a chad

good day, lord commissar. and a fellow lyra like i see

What caused this war zone?

Comment posted by Tiber Septim II deleted Sep 22nd, 2021
Comment posted by Tiber Septim II deleted Apr 24th, 2020
  • Viewing 232 - 236 of 236
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