• Member Since 17th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen May 5th

Lord of Nothing

I'm pretty uninteresting. I also can't write or draw, but I do both anyway.


A Queen & You: Part I, Chapter VII - Setting Boundaries · 5:12am Jan 16th, 2020

So, just in case nobody had noticed, I changed A Queen & You from "Incomplete" to "On Hiatus" to "Incomplete" then finally "Cancelled".

I always made promises I could not keep, especially when it came to writing. I very much enjoyed doing it, but I believe it is finally time for me to put this part of my life to rest for real, for good, forever. And this time I mean it.

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Report Lord of Nothing · 935 views · Story: A Queen & You ·
Comments ( 416 )
  • Viewing 412 - 416 of 416

You're the Lord of Something, friend! :twilightsmile:

Of Neatness, I bet, lol :pinkiehappy:

thank you very much :)

Too bad, thought your stories were good. Until next time

Working on it as we speak! Sorry for the long wait!

  • Viewing 412 - 416 of 416
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