• Member Since 21st Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen May 19th

Midnight Blossom

Author and experienced Editor. My services are available to those who seek them.

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Today officially sucks..... · 7:46am Jul 31st, 2016

Today officially sucks... First thing to know is I'm usually awake through the night time hours and head to bed a little before noon. I wake up tonight and go to feed my babies (my animals). I go outside to feed my husky and she's laying down. At first i Think she's just resting as it's been a hot day, so I go to turn on the water to fill her bowl for the evening, and she doesn't move. I start to worry. I pour her food which usually gets her running no matter how tired she is, and still. She

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Report Midnight Blossom · 383 views ·
Comments ( 27 )
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Thank you for being there for me when you were :heart:


Not a problem, and thanks for adding my story to your library.

And Thank you sooooo much for the follow! I'm flattered that you like my work so much. :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile: :yay:

Well then, thank you ahead of time! :pinkiehappy::raritystarry: :twilightsmile:


Not a problem. Going through your works at the moment, after I read your newest one. There will likely be a couple more faves.

  • Viewing 23 - 27 of 27
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