• Member Since 5th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


"You're so vanilla!" "You're like the Fairy Bread of Australia!" Anonpencil - 2019


Update on life · 9:57am Mar 12th, 2020

Hey all. It's been a while huh.

Honestly, I've no idea where to start on this so I guess I'll jump right in. Let's start with story updates... Or lack there of.

Princess and the Human - This one has been a real thorn in my side. I started it as a thing to update every now and then. As a tracker of how my writing progressed as an author. I honestly never expected people would like it as much as they have.

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Still wrote yourself a corner on the third Flare Blitz story?

Are you okay?

Comment posted by Karsap deleted Oct 22nd, 2022

Thank you for the watch and fav.:heart:

Hey, Aus!

It's been a while, how have you been? :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 277 - 281 of 281
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