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Whether We Like It or Not Everyone thinks they're the hero of their own story. Yet nobody wonders just what its like when you swear you're doing the right thing, that everything you're working for is because you have to do it, yet youre seen as the villain for doing so by Brightlight24 240,455 words · 1,739 · 69
he. she. we. A man, empty. A mare, damaged. A life, lived. A life - loved. by Shinzakura 110,731 words · 989 · 59
Peace Negotiations A human living in Canterlot castle is given to Queen Chrysalis as part of peace negotiations between Equestria and the Hive. Celestia knew she shouldn't have let Luna finish the negotiations herself. by setablaze53 16,764 words · 1,599 · 22
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be rin
casually drop a 200 like story with near universal praise
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