update and character art (warning, spoiler for MC name, don't look at top left corner of art if you don't want to know it) · 5:33am Mar 24th, 2023
Hey all, it's been a while, really sorry that I've been gone so long, it was not intended but life does that to you sometimes.
Anyway, I wanted to show off some art I commissioned of our main human turned Changeling Queen from "It's good to be the Queen", as the title says this does show off what their name will end up being so if that is something you want to keep unknown then either look away now or at least don't look at the text in the top left corner lol.
Thanks for the fave on Cultural Differences
Thanks for Favoriting and Liking Skeletor, Master of The Empire! I'm glad you've enjoyed the story so far!
Cheers for the watch.
Thank you for watching and I hope you continue to find my writings entertaining.