• Member Since 25th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


Want to know how far someone can get writing fan-fictions without watching the show? Lets find out together!


I'll add more as they occur to me

Passing a story I like on the list in the featured tab after posting at almost the same time.

Two stories featured at once.

Getting a comment from an author I like (Thanks Redskin122004!)

50 followersThanks, Dawnscroll
100 followers (I'm getting greedy)
200 followers (MOAR!)
500 Stalkers
Story breaking 100 likes
Story breaking 500 likes Substitute Demon
Story breaking 1000 likes
Story breaking 2000 likes
Story breaking 3000 likes (I'm getting greedy :pinkiecrazy:)
Story breaking 500 views
Story breaking 1k views
Story breaking 5k views
Story breaking 10k views!
Story Breaking 50k Views
Story on the popular stories section on front page
Story getting featured Substitute Demon, 4/28/15
Video Comment Lupus
Get a "Please sir, may I have some more?" comment.
Someone sending me fan-art of a story.(Sorry Nether, I can't count the cover image.)
"Still a better love story than Twilight." comment
Write an alicorn fic that doesn't get downvoted into oblivion Cost of Asylum
Color my Mass Effect character based on an MLP character.
Watch a full episode of MLP from start to end.
Become another author's 'sempai' (I love you in a totes homo way, Sober)


Reykan - Steam

Jaded-Shadow - Warframe

JadedShadow - Blizzard games

Jaded-Reykan - Origin

Reykan's Rules of Writing

Never be your own first commenter (blog's don't count, those are like post scripts)
Never Fav your own story
Never upvote your own story


Holding off on chapter until i can look at it while actually awake. · 8:38am Dec 29th, 2018

I'm...Not quite sure how I feel right now. I'm tired though, so I won't post it just yet. Not without being able to check for errors while more awake. 7k that I just finished, with a serious desire to add at least one more chapter. It's mostly wrapped up. This monster is pretty much done.

And I don't know how I feel about that.

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Report Reykan · 3,431 views · Story: The Substitute Demon · #braindump #almost #so tired

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Comments ( 166 )
  • Viewing 162 - 166 of 166

Chad managed democracy spreader.


Lol, looks like you met your goals

He's not gone. He posted just a few months ago. It wasn't much, but if you go through the comments, he definitely hasn't forgotten his stories here. I'm just happy he's still writing. Hopefully, if he gets back to it properly, even if it's not MLP, he'll let us know.

Mans gone? he left such a fine memory

Well, we stay put. Stranger things happend around here.
Let us hope for the best and even if he dosen't come back to writing.
Let us thank him for the awesome stories he wrote so far.

  • Viewing 162 - 166 of 166
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