• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2014
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Exspecto meus bellum cum morte. "Look inside my soul, and see the face of madness." -- St. Benedict

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Nuit Blanche - Afterwards · 8:12am Mar 11th, 2017

But it did make the popular read list, so at least I've
got that going for me, which is nice.

Nuit Blanche!

A story so good it leaves the reader speechless!


That's my belief and I'm sticking to it.

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Report nightwalker · 695 views · Story: Nuit Blanche ·
Comments ( 34 )
  • Viewing 30 - 34 of 34

Hey, thanks for adding The Pegasus who Kicked the Changelings' Hive to your favorites. It looks like the first chapter's reception has been pretty good so far, so thanks again for your editing.

Hey, ‘walker.
I just wanted to say that Actually, I’m Dead was a fantastic read. I enjoyed (almost) all chapters, but I’ve already discussed that with Blaster.
I have you in my list of top five writers on FimFiction. I haven’t actually read any of your own works yet, but I’ll make that a false statement in the near future. I hope that you and Wave Blaster continue making good stories.

Hey, thanks for adding The Ponies who Played with Fire to your favorites.

  • Viewing 30 - 34 of 34
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