• Member Since 7th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


My life for Nightmare Moon!

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Will be lurking, and new art (not pony related)..... · 1:21pm Jan 19th, 2020

With the end of My Little Pony, I have shifted back to anime. Yes, I still read fanfics here every now and then. Yes, I might do the occasional art request or two, but mainly i'll just be here lurking, waiting for new stories from my fave authors, and just reading up on what's new every now and then.

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Report arcanelexicon · 250 views ·
Comments ( 59 )
  • Viewing 55 - 59 of 59

Oops. Forgot about this in all the crazy... *tapdances off-screen* Seriously though; I'm doing great!

Busy as always but still doing good. How bout you?

I return! Long hiatus, over! How've you been?

2590820 Thank you for taking the time to answer my survey! You rule! :twilightsmile:

Doing good so far. At least i’m done with all my medical, license, and other exam checks and passed em all with flying colors. Just a little pissed that there seems to be no good games being released for the xbox yet. Now for your questions...

-Hotdog: both ketchup and mustard. Burger is ketchup only
-Work is ok and I do get enough sleep. I would gladly pay for a nice drive or flight around some of the best scenic areas though.
-I’m a night owl
-Fave season is winter
-As for the mech, I love the battletech/mechwarrior universe, and i would gladly choose the one from the matrix. Autocannons all the way! dakkadakkadakkadakkadakkadakkadakka!!!!

  • Viewing 55 - 59 of 59
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