A group celebrating everypony's favorite sweet and adorable, hoedown dancin', apple-treat makin' pony, Apple Fritter!!!!!
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A group celebrating everypony's favorite sweet and adorable, hoedown dancin', apple-treat makin' pony, Apple Fritter!!!!!
i take personal responsibility for the apple fritter tag
apple fritter
We need more Apple Fritter stories. Enough so she gets her own tag.
330206Yes. "Fate"

(P.S. Thanks for the follow and free parking
Is it just me, or has fate drawn us together once again?
330153My best ponies are still Fiddles and Peachy, but I have a
haremmyriad of favorites, the order of which changes oft330152 your favorite pony changes far too much
It comes with being me
I'm almost as surprised she didn't have a group as I was about Bon Bon!
You're a goof, you know that?