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Hi there! Just wanted to say, welcome to the Bloodlines group! If you have any ideas for this group, please, do let us know what we can do!
And I hope all the stories added here will be of great enjoyment to you!
Hmm...honestly I was thinking I did slightly rush the battle myself but am . unsure how to expand it without it losing some of the pacing as well as breaking the tension.
A Simple Legend's idea and plot are some of my favourite theme. The turn of events and details to the setting and action in the story especially. While not the most well written and well edited story, to me it is clear that you've create a good story from how you arranged the story elements.
Other than the improvable writing, I think the Final confrontation could use more expression and emotion for the nameless red shirt grunts. So that they left more impressions.
Sorry if seems like preaching. It's just an opinion of a novice, so please take it with some grain of salt. Hope it can help you improve.
Thank you for adding A Simple Legend to your Favorites.
May I ask what you enjoy about it?