• Member Since 24th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Jeweled Pen

Just a girl trying to make it as an freelancer writer. Please check out my stories, both fanfiction and independent works! Any comments are deeply loved and you're all awesome.

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Commission information: Closed

Okay, so here is all my information on commissions

*Final price: $10 (US) per 1k words, 10k words max.
*Payment type: Paypal. Half once everything is agreed on(outline, etct), second half once story is finished.
*A story has to be achievable. If you want a 5,000 word story that shows your oc fighting off an army of wyverns, then saving a princess, while defeating a great evil, and completing a dungeon with one hundred traps, etc etc, you're probably only going to get the first part of it.
*I'll only accept ONE commission at a time from a person, max of three stories at once and it will often be first come, first serve. This is my first time doing this and I don't want to be overwhelmed, ruining the experience for anyone who's a big enough fan to like my work.
*I'll try to keep in contact with you over skype or some other message system. But if you're impossible to get a hold of, please don't get upset if the story isn't completely how you imagine it. I'll try my hardest to give what you like, though.

Now, onto the information about what kinds of stories I'll be accepting.

*Original works: If you have some kind of original world/setting you want the story to take place in, great! Or perhaps you have characters in mind and you'd like to use a more generic world, that works fine. Heck, I have written plenty of stories in the past with all kinds of different settings, tech levels and rules, so I can use one of those depending on how you want the story done.
*Fanfiction: I have no problem with fanfiction, but I may decline doing them if I don't feel I know the source material well enough. I want to write a good, quality story. After all, that's what I'm being paid for.
*I won't be doing pure sex. Now, don't get me wrong this doesn't mean a story can't have sex in it. I just won't be writing stories that are pure sex and nothing but sex. I have no qualms about stories that investigate or deal with sexual things(for example, one of my stories explores the bdsm community lightly and the roles of dom/sub). Just nothing that's pure sex.

Now, what you need to send me. Fill out the form below and send it by fimfiction mail:

Word count: This is the minimum word count, in thousands of words. Basically, what you'll be paying me for. I will accept up to 10k words at this time.
Characters: Who are these characters? Names, a little descriptions, personality, motivations. I can help build these, of course, but in the end I want to have characters you like.
Kind of world: What kind of world they're in. At least enough information to know how to set the world up or choose one from my list.

If you end up posting the story, please make sure to give credit, thank you.

So, there is my information on commissions. Please feel free to drop me a line and I'll see what I can do.

Writer information:


Hiatus · 5:49pm Oct 1st, 2019

So, I've been kind of drained really bad lately and my mind has been unable to focus on my fanfiction works. Right now, that has been showing in my avatar work especially, but it'll be showing in glow as well before long. I'm currently working on a few side projects that have been absorbing all of my focus.

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Comments ( 39 )
  • Viewing 35 - 39 of 39

Thanks so much for the watch! :twilightsmile: hope you enjoy my latest stories and any that follow!^^

Thanks. :) It has always been my dream. I've just been so lucky to have the opportunity to pursue it.

I so rarely follow people, you've made the list. I don't think you can disappoint. Great work, you're a great writer.

Hopefully in a good way. :P

You're the queen of plot twist endings.

  • Viewing 35 - 39 of 39
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