• Member Since 26th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Winners eat sand

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I'm around, just not here a lot · 7:14pm Apr 17th, 2018

Just figured out the discord server link on my page expired. Who knew? Anywho, this isn't really me making any sort of announcement other than the link is working again. Lots of life stuff going on that's keeping me from creating, but I'm not against people wanting to come talk to me about anything really. Maybe it's about a story of mine, maybe you just wanna chat. Either way, I'll be in my server more often than not if you just want a place to hang.

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Comments ( 93 )
  • Viewing 89 - 93 of 93

Even if you're not going to ever finish it, do you still have the story outline for Notes?

*Gives hugs and love.*

  • Viewing 89 - 93 of 93
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