While Apple Bloom is on vacation, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle struggle to find something to do with their time. An innocent question is raised: what does Snails' cutie mark mean, anyway? It couldn't mean that, could it?
Snips, Snails, and Puppydog Tails; that’s what boys are made of. But what are Snips and Snails without their Puppydog Tails? Snips has the solution for that
Common sense assumptions are key tools to navigating unfamiliar places and situations. But sometimes a place can be so strange, so alien, that comparisons fail to measure up. And you know what they say about assuming.
Getting passing grades through copying off Silver Spoon has served Diamond Tiara well. But Cheerliee just forced Diamond to switch desks and now the only ponies she can cheat off are -- Snips & Snails. How can she make them study and save her?
Snails and the rest of the mini-6 are selected to attend the School for Gifted Unicorns. The CMCs and Snails find themselves caught in school rivalries, dark magics, and Canterlot fun.
[One-Shot] A not-quite-mare named Glitter Shell goes on a trip to find some acceptance and maybe even some affection; for ponies like her, hate is far more common.