Pipsqueak's won the class election. It's an amazing feeling, being in charge. Ponies listen to Pip more now. But why should he stop there? If other fillies and colts will listen to him, why can't the grown ups too? So Pip finds a way to get more ponies to listen to him. Aided by a group of friends, Pip sets off across town, much to the chagrin of Ponyville's residents.
"It's all about who you know..."
That's one way of looking at it.
I wish this would be longer. Pipsqueak and friends going through Ponyville and harassing several ponies because they began to think that together they could do everything without anypony stopping them is a hilarious idea.
And all that shipping.....
And you even have best and most underrated and underrepresented ship in it:
Scootabloom FTW! There should be more Scootabloom fics, so many more!
I give this fic a favourite for that one thing alone.
I kind of wished I had added more to it before posting this, actually.
I've been kinda toying with a new chapter to add onto this, but I'm not sure if I like it enough on it's own.
Regarding the ship... That was kind of unintentional (Also, you might not like the indirect sequel, judging by your Scootabloom reaction...).
Unintentional? How can it be unintentional when Scootaloo clearly was avoiding to admit she's making out with Applebloom?
Stop crushing my dreams.