• Member Since 20th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen July 16th

Kelvin Shadewing


Bronycon video in the works · 4:09am Oct 12th, 2019

Soooooo, yeah, the last Bronycon was several months ago, and most everyone else who makes videos has already made theirs, so what's taking me so long? Well, mine's animated. It's basically an animated vlog to not only add some style to my con report, but also to test out a potential new format for doing videos, especially collabs.

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Thanks for faving Stomach Stallion: The Misadventures of Verdant Range.

Man, aren't you the guy who wrote that story about the human changeling with depression? Shacklebolt? It was one of my favorite stories ever and I was really sad to see it removed. I don't suppose there's any chance it still exists somewhere.

Thanks for the fave!

Whatever happened to Source Code?

Thank you for the fav on Celestia's Rocket Adventures! I'd appreciate it if you'd leave me a like and some feedback in the comments!

  • Viewing 26 - 30 of 30
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Welcome to my page, blah, blah, blah.

I'm more of a programmer than a writer, so I don 't update my stories often, unless I get hit by a burst of inspiration, then expect several chapters or even a new story to pop up. As my writing is limited to these creative bursts, I would appreciate it if people didn't ask me when the next update will be, becaus I honestly do not know.

Also, PLEASE do not add my stories to any group(s) without first asking me. I'm not comfortable with how the group system works on this site, and would rather not have my stories put somewhere I don't feel they belong. Just ask me first, and we'll get along fine.